Sunday, December 9, 2007

The BEST & WORST Of 2007 - Part 3

The BEST Music Videos...

Click images to watch

Christina Aguilera Hurt

Robyn Handle Me

Hadouken! Leap Of Faith

The WORST Music Video...

Rihanna Umbrella

Rihanna……….the shitty video CULPRIT of the year! They throw so much money at her videos, and they STILL can't come up with anything that doesn't make me cringe. Umbrella is all special effects filled and fancy, but really…….it’s hard to look past the WANKERY of this fucking video. The failed attempt at “bad girl” image, the stumpy legs, the STUPID water fight sequence, the random collection of scenes [painted silver in a video about Umbrellas, why?]………’s all just so shit. What IS the purpose of it?
Her second video ‘Shut Up & Drive’ was no better, it was like they got their colour ideas from a box of crayons.

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