Wednesday, December 22, 2010


How To Destroy Angels The Space In Between
Trent Reznor's love of David Lynch has never been more obvious than in this video.

Honorable mention:
Janealle Monae Cold War
The simplicity of this video is what makes it work so well. Janealle has such an interesting face.


Keri Hilson The Way You Love Me
What i assume is supposed to be a sexy and dirty display of female sexual power, turns out to be one of the most unsexy and hilarious displays of music video sluttery i have ever seen. Stick to Christina's "Dirrty" video to see this pulled off a little better.

Dishonorable mention:
Jessica Mauboy Get Em Girls
Budget restrictions are a big player in why this video looks so cheap, but that still doesn't excuse the obvious lack of a stylist and the unflattering lighting and camera angles that flood nearly every shot of this cheap wreak of a music video. Believe it or not, this video was shot by the very talented Hype Williams, whos given us some great videos over the years. The only decent video he turned out this year was Nicki Minaj's "Massive Attack", both "Get Em Girls" by Jessica and Kesha's "We R Who We R" seem to be displaying some sort of new hideous style Hype is presenting to us all where he purposely goes out of his way to create ugly and high school student level music video production. Weird.

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