Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
Starring: Some Swedish people
Directed by: Some Swedish guy

A Swedish thriller based on Stieg Larsson's novel about a journalist [named Mikail] and young female hacker [named Lisbeth], trying to solve a 40 year old mystery about a missing girl.

It's really satisfying when you sit and watch a movie that turns out to be a very FULFILLING experience. This is what 'Girl' turned out being.
I wasn't sure what to expect, the books this new movie trilogy is based on are HUGELY popular, and the first film of the series has been getting strong reviews, so i knew i was in for a decent film.
The movie was exactly what i suspected it would be, a twisting and turning mystery thriller that makes you sit and think for a good 2 and a half hours. Because of that, you certainly need to be in the right mood to watch it. It isn't really something you just THROW ON, but it's not a HARD movie to understand either. There's a lot of story to get through and it isn't done in a short period of time, you definitely need to pay attention to what's going on.
That's what i loved about it though, it was meaty. There were a lot of story lines to get through, and it was all executed in a really entertaining way. It did take a little while to kick into gear, and it didn't hit a faster pace until the two main leads team up closer towards the middle of the film. That isn't a major issue though, because following Lisbeth's story in the beginning was one of my favourite parts of the film. In fact, i could have watched the whole movie centred around her character.

The movie wasn't in anyway mind blowing, or OVERLY impressive, but it was a very consistent thriller that unfolds at a good slow pace and leaves you wanting to find out more. Throw in a well written and layered female lead who has good chemistry with her male co-star, and you have a solid story all tied up in big package.

If you're in the mood to put your feet up and watch a good crime thriller, this is the perfect movie to go with. You won't be disappointed. I look forward to seeing the next 2 films in the series.

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